Palabras en inglés que empiezan por S y acaban en Q al azar

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Significado de Sq

  1. Shaped like a square (the polygon).
  2. Forming a right angle, especially at right angles with the mast or the keel, and parallel to the horizon; said of the yards of a square-rigged vessel when they are so braced.
    a square corner
  3. Of numbers formed by multiplying two equal numbers.
    9 is a square number.
  4. Used in the names of units of area formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself.
    square metre
  5. Honest; straightforward.
    square dealing
  6. Fair.
    I'm just looking for a square deal on my car repair.
  7. Even; tied
    The sides were square at the end of the half.
  8. Socially conventional; boring.
  9. In line with the batsman's popping crease.
  10. Correctly aligned with respect to something else.
  11. Hearty; vigorous.
    It may be prison, but at least I'm getting three square meals a day.
  12. Having a shape broad for the height, with angular rather than curving outlines.
    a man of a square frame

Información sobre Sq

  • Es un adjetivo.

Separación en sílabas de Sq


  • Está formada por 1 sílabas y 2 letras.
  • Sq es una palabra monosílaba, ya que tiene una sola sílaba.

Sinónimos de Sq

Con el significado de :

normal, orthogonal, perpendicular, straight, bourgeois

Antónimos de Sq

Con el significado de :
