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Significado de herself

  1. (reflexive pronoun) Her; the female object of a verb or preposition that also appears as the subject.
    She injured herself.
  2. She; an intensive repetition of the female subject, often used to indicate the exclusiveness of that person as the only satisfier of the predicate.
    She was injured herself.
  3. The subject or non-reflexive object of a predicate; she (used of upper-class ladies, or sarcastically, of women who imagine themselves to be more important than others)
    Have you seen herself yet this morning?

Separación en sílabas de herself


  • Está formada por 2 sílabas y 7 letras.
  • herself es una palabra bisílaba, ya que tiene dos sílabas.

Traducción de herself

  • español: se
  • francés: se, s'
  • italiano: si