Palabras en inglés que empiezan por D y acaban en X al azar

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Significado de duplex

  1. A house made up of two dwelling units.
  2. A cancellation combining a numerical cancellation with a second mark showing time, date, and place of posting.
  3. A throwing motion where two balls are thrown with one hand at the same time.
  4. A double-stranded polynucleotide.
  5. A system of multiple thrust faults bounded above and below by a roof thrust and floor thrust.
  1. To make duplex.
  2. To make into a duplex.
  3. (juggling) To make a series of duplex throws.
  1. Double, made up of two parts.
  2. Bidirectional (in two directions).
    duplex telegraphy
  3. Having horizons with contrasting textures.

Información sobre duplex

  • La forma plural de duplex es: duplexes.

Separación en sílabas de duplex


  • Está formada por 2 sílabas y 6 letras.
  • duplex es una palabra bisílaba, ya que tiene dos sílabas.

Antónimos de duplex

Con el significado de :


Traducción de duplex