Palabras en inglés que empiezan por À y acaban en P al azar

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Significado de airship

  1. A lighter-than-air aircraft that can be propelled forward through the air as well as steered.
    Airships are posited to be cheaper to operate over time than fixed-wing aircraft, but as there are no large fleets, this is hard to prove in practice.
  2. Any aircraft.
    On weekends, I liked to spend my time at the airport watching the various airships take off and land.
  3. The highest ranking officials of the RAF, viewed as arrogant and distant.


To transport goods by aircraft.

Información sobre airship

  • La forma plural de airship es: airships.

Separación en sílabas de airship


  • Está formada por 2 sílabas y 7 letras.
  • airship es una palabra bisílaba, ya que tiene dos sílabas.

Sinónimos de airship

Con el significado de dirigible:
