Palabras en inglés que empiezan por Q y acaban en M al azar

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Significado de quantum

  1. The total amount of something; quantity.
  2. The amount or quantity observably present, or available.
  3. The smallest possible, and therefore indivisible, unit of a given quantity or quantifiable phenomenon.
  4. A definite portion of a manifoldness, limited by a mark or by a boundary.
  5. A brief document provided by the judge, elaborating on a sentencing decision.
  6. The amount of time allocated for a thread to perform its work in a multithreaded environment.
  1. Of a change, sudden or discrete, without intermediate stages.
  2. Of a change, significant.
  3. Involving quanta, quantum mechanics or other aspects of quantum physics.
  4. Relating to a quantum computer.

Separación en sílabas de quantum


  • Está formada por 2 sílabas y 7 letras.
  • quantum es una palabra bisílaba, ya que tiene dos sílabas.

Traducción de quantum