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Significado de reflow

  1. the action of rearranging electronic text on a page having varied such features as type size, line length, and spacing.
  2. a soldering technique in which surface-mount components are held in position on a circuit board using a paste containing solder which melts to form soldered joints when the circuit board is heated.
  1. rearrange (electronic text) on a page having varied such features as type size, line length, and spacing.
    my desktop publisher must reflow copy from one column to another automatically
  2. attach (a surface-mount component) using the reflow technique.
    a kit designed to reflow the majority of surface-mounted devices

Información sobre reflow

  • La forma plural de reflow es: reflows.

Separación en sílabas de reflow


  • Está formada por 2 sílabas y 6 letras.
  • reflow es una palabra bisílaba, ya que tiene dos sílabas.